Can the Taoist Ways Be Relevent Today?
The ways of the Toaist have survived and have been serving the needs of people for millenia. However, with each successive generation and social era customs have changed and the manners in which people go about there daily lives may have changed, but the underling principles of the Universe and basic needs of humanity have remained the same.
Tao has existed with or without us, or without any other living thing for that matter, and will continue to do so. Tao has no preferences, makes no choices, nor strives to accomplish anything in particular,”yet nothing is left undone.”. It doesn’t have to: Tao is process, Tao is existence itelf. We are the ones with needs – physical, mental, and spiritual in nature. Like it or not, everything, including us, is bound together and a part of Tao. We only have to observe, learn, and recognize its fundamental principles in order to realize the benefits of Tao. Taoists are keen observers. Once a natural process is fully understood the Taoist seeks to find the least intrusive way to gain benefit from it.
Applying these principles to ourselves provides a way to live our lives to the fullest. You can develop an entire array of practices. tailored to you, that can enable you to live a vital and purposeful life – a life fully worth living! You may even be able to find the answers for yourself that have haunted all of humanity down through the ages: Who are we? Why are we here, and how did we get here? Where are we going, and what is our final destiny?
The Chinese word (pictograph) for Tao depicts a person’s head flanked by a curving, fluid stroke that embraces the head symbolizing movement, flow, or path of a meandering river.
The word could have just as easily been represented by a whole person. Was depicting just the head a deliberate choice?. Was a focus on the mind, the intellect, or intelligence rather than on the physical body the original intention? Such an interpretation implies purposeful, thoughtful movement or flow. Perhaps, the pictograph is suggesting that by following such a path the individual is guided toward enlightenment and self discovery.
Each of us are already following life’s journey. No one really needs to be invited to seek out the truth. One does not need to join any formal organization, nor to openly (or privately) profess one’s allegiance or devotion to any particular entity or ideal. Tao makes no demands to reject other beliefs or entities, symbolic or real.
Tao is there for all to apprehend, no real invitation is needed but the Path is open to all who wish to follow. Any journey, even one lasting a lifetime, begins with a single step – make the most of yours.